my4D Bet Info

Bet Frequency

Bet Frequency
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We use a random number generated sample as an example.  This is the sample link .  This sample is generated by using Random Number formula : “=ABS(ROUND(RAND()*1000,0))”.


Bet Frequency plays the most important role in the psychological manipulation.  The 4D banker divides the bet frequency into two parts :

(a)  Primary Pool : for First prize and Second prize

(b)  Secondary Pool : for Third prize, Special prizes and Consolation prizes.


In the sample we provide, the primary pool contains the 4D-digits as follows :


4533                                         2152                                         6901

7368                                         3483                                         7010

9391                                         6406                                         7440

1978                                         6573                                         7500

5676                                         6721                                         8152

6213                                         9261                                         8497

6803                                         9836                                         9005

6952                                         222                                           9775

8252                                         287                                           574

9508                                         1457                                         1813

9998                                         3414                                         1831

1612                                         6186                                         2067

4451                                         6493                                         2117

5036                                         6562                                         2401

5335                                         8168                                         3857

5376                                         9565                                         3934

6162                                         9594                                         5548

6431                                         1990                                         5894

7011                                         2455                                         7985

7824                                         2558                                         8143

8531                                         6683                                         8260

118                                           7264                                         8973

193                                           7827                                         9653

451                                           8024                                         4896

2690                                         8062                                         5603

5673                                         9194                                         6097

7493                                         976                                           6644

8825                                         1482                                         6910

9469                                         2379                                         7221

9832                                         2944                                         8589

1094                                         3780                                         9313

1194                                         4736                                         9393

1852                                         5765                                        

These 4D-digits have their bet frequencies ranged from 0 to 9.  The rest of the 4D-digits are used for the secondary pool.


If we rearrange the primary pool from 0xxx to 9xxx, the above list of 4D-digits will appear as follows :


0xxx : 0118, 0193, 0222, 0287, 0451, 0574, 0976

1xxx : 1094, 1194, 1457, 1482, 1612, 1813, 1831, 1852, 1978,


2xxx : 2067, 2117, 2152, 2379, 2401, 2455, 2558, 2690, 2944

3xxx : 3414, 3483, 3780, 3857, 3934

4xxx : 4451, 4533, 4736, 4896

5xxx : 5036, 5335, 5376, 5548, 5603, 5673, 5676, 5765, 5894

6xxx : 6097, 6162, 6186, 6213, 6406, 6431, 6493, 6562, 6573,

         6644, 6683, 6721, 6803, 6901, 6910, 6952

7xxx : 7010, 7011, 7221, 7264, 7368, 7440, 7493, 7500, 7824,

         7827, 7985

8xxx : 8024, 8062, 8143, 8152, 8168, 8252, 8260, 8497, 8531,

          8589, 8825, 8973

9xxx :  9005, 9194, 9261, 9313, 9391, 9393, 9469, 9508, 9565,

          9594, 9653, 9775, 9832, 9836, 9998.


You can see that in every draw, the 4D bankers always have their choice for the First prize and Second prize.


As the 4D-digits supplying the First prize and Second prize are always more than enough, the manipulation of the drawing outcomes rest upon the drawing machine with the help of magnetic field.  But even with that, how to lure the 4D players to feel the movement of 3 grand prizes is the essence of this manipulation.  This cannot be done by any computer programming nor any drawing machine, but human psychology.  That is why we always suggest you NOT to buy the 4D bets in huge amount.  If you force the bet frequency to jump from the primary pool to the secondary pool, you will definitely miss your grand prize.


Another important feature about the bet frequency is that about 85% to 90% of the 4D players always play with their favourite 4D-digits.  This will account to at least 96% of the 4D-digits.  In another words, at least 9600 of the 4D-digits always have their bet frequency fixed.  We will elaborate more under the topic : Black Market.